Hide 'N Seek

Uploaded: March 21, 2021 03:19:15 | Entered: March 21, 2021 03:19:15


Texas Longhorns typically "moo"ve together as a group and graze throughout the day - It appears that they had mixed up their routine on a recent morning with an early game of Hide 'N Seek :-)

Exif: Camera: Canon Canon EOS 5D Mark IV; Shutter Speed: 1/250; Aperture: f/7.1; ISO: 250; Orientation: 1; Date: 2021:01:10 08:22:48


Leslie McLain level-classic March 21, 2021

Beautiful sunrise capture, Jeff. #1758730

Bojan Bencic level-classic March 21, 2021

Great composition and tone, Jeff. Fantastic morning silhouettes. #11885163

Tammy M. Anderson level-deluxe March 21, 2021

Great colors, silhouettes and title. #11885170

Gail Sullivan level-classic March 21, 2021

Jeff...the silhouettes against the sunrise sky are striking #11885175

Randall V. Rainey level-deluxe March 21, 2021

Love the silhouettes and sky. and the humor in the text... Jeff.... A FAV #11885194

Janet Criswell level-classic March 21, 2021

Wonderful image, Jeff! Perfect timing, too! #11885203

Terry Korpela level-deluxe March 21, 2021

Nicely Done Jeff! #11885208

Adilson F. Ferreira level-classic March 21, 2021

Terrific colors, silhouettes and composition, Jeff! #11885239

Elias A. Tyligadas level-deluxe March 21, 2021

Outstanding sunset photo and composition with the silhouettes on the fantastic warm colors! #11885254

Jeff Robinson level-deluxe March 22, 2021

Thank You! #11885298

Paul Coco March 22, 2021

As one who loves silhouettes, especially of trees, you can imagine my delight in seeing this image. Marvelous work! Bravo! #11885317

Christine Greenspan level-deluxe March 22, 2021

Fantastic shot, Jeff! Beautiful colors and silhouettes. #11885451

Terry Cervi level-deluxe March 22, 2021

What a fantastic shot, Jeff! Great silhouettes! #11885494

Joannie Bertucci level-classic March 23, 2021

Texas perfection Jeff! fave #11885519

Bob D. Hall level-classic March 23, 2021

Someone should tell them to not all hide behind the same tree!! Love your shadow shots and well I guess I should say all your photos, Jeff! #11885552

Natasha Pliss level-classic March 29, 2021

Stunning colors, great composition, outstanding shot, Jeff!! #11887413

Jeff Robinson level-deluxe April 10, 2021

Thank You! #11890794

Candice C. Calhoun level-deluxe April 10, 2021

Just gorgeous Jeff, this should be hanging in a gallery! Perfect! ccc #11890831

Jeff Robinson level-deluxe April 11, 2021

Thank You Candice - I appreciate your thoughtful comment! #11891043

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